2020 | FACS ARIA II | Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Carla Aravena-Carrasco, Matias Orellana-Saez, Nicolás Pacheco, Alex Cabrera and José Manuel Borr… | Engineering the Osmotic State of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for Efficient Cell Disruption and Downstream Processing of Poly(3-Hydroxyalkanoates | Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology | Aplicacion | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, Bacteria, Biotecnoligia, Biotechnology, Muerte Celular , Dead Cell, |
2020 | FACS Canto II | Sebastián Moreno, Javier Canales, Lilan Hong, Dana Robinson, Adrienne H.K. Roeder, Rodrigo A. Gutiérrez… | Nitrate Defines Shoot Size through Compensatory Roles for Endoreplication and Cell Division in Arabidopsis thaliana | Current Biology | Aplicacion | Link | Ploidia, Ploidy , Citometria de Flujo, Flow Cytometry, analisis Nucleo Vegetal , |
2020 | BD Influx | Drahomíra Faktorová, R. Ellen R. Nisbet, José A. Fernández Robledo, Elena Casacuberta, Lisa Sudek, Andrew E. Allen, Manu… | Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology | Nature Methods | Aplicacion | Link | Citometria de Flujo , Flow Cytometry, Cell sorting, bacteria, Marine Ecology, |
2010 | Facs Aria II, BD influx | Sreemanti Basu, Hope M. Campbell, Bonnie N. Dittel, and Avijit Ray… | Purification of Specific Cell Population by Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) | Jove | Metodologia | Link | Cell Sorting, Immunology, Separacion Celular, Inmunologia, Celulas B, B cell |
2015 | Facs Aria II, BD influx | Perchet Thibaut, Meunier Sylvain, Sophie Novault, Rachel Golub… | Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS): Isolation of Splenic B Lymphocytes | Jove | Metodologia | Link | Cell Sorting, Immunology, Separacion Celular, Inmunologia, Celulas B, B cell |
2012 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | Josef Spindlen, Karin Breuer, ryan Brinkman… | Preparing a Minimum Information about a Flow Cytometry Experiment (MIFlowCyt) Compliant Manuscript Using the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC) FCS File Repository (FlowRepository.org) | Current Protocols in Flow Cytometry | Metodologia | Link | Cell Sorting , Flow Cytometry, Citometria, Diseño experimental |
2010 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | Yolanda Mahnke, Mario Roeder… | Quality and Phenotyope of Ag-responsive Human T cells | Cytometry Part A | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, , Inmunofenotipo, immunophenotype, Cell sorting, |
2011 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | Angelique Biancotto, et al… | In‐depth characterization of human T regulatory cells | Cytometry Part A | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, , Inmunofenotipo, immunophenotype, Cell sorting, |
2014 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | József Bocsi, Susanne Melzer, Ingo Dähnert, Attila Tárnok… | 10-Color, 13 Antibody Panel for In-depth Phenotyping of Human Peripheral Blood Leukocytes | Cytometry Part A | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, , Inmunofenotipo, immunophenotype, Cell sorting, |
2014 | BD Influx | van der Pol E, Coumans FAW, Grootemaat AE, Gardiner C, Sargent IL, Harrison P, Sturk A, van Leeuwen TG, Nieuwland R… | Particle size distribution of exosomes and microvesicles determined by transmission electron micros- copy, flow cytometry, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and resistive pulse sensing | J Thromb Haemost | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, , microvesicles, microvesiculas, Cell sorting, Cell imaging |
2010 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | Lacroix R, Robert S, Poncelet P, Kasthuri R, Key N, Dignat-George F… | Standardization of platelet-derived microparticle enumera- tion by flow cytometry with calibrated beads: results of the international society on thrombo- sis and Haemostasis SSC collaborative work- shop | J Thromb Haemost | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, , microvesicles, microvesiculas, Plaquetas, platelets |
2010 | Facs Aria II, Facs Canto II, BD Influx | Teresa S. Hawley, Robert G. Hawley… | Flow Cytometry Protocols, Second edition | Methods in molecular biology | Metodologia | Link | Flow Cytometry, Citometria, Protocols , protocolos, Cell Cycle , ciclo Celular , apoptosis, multiparametrica, Proliferacion celular , Cell proliferation, intracelullar staining, Tincion intracelular |