- Nicole Salgado Cortes
Coordinador Técnico
- Anexo: 2714
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Fernanda Gárate
Especialista microscopia Óptica
- Anexo: 2715
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Alejandro Munizaga
Especialista microscopia electrónica
- Anexo: 2715
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Liseth Garibaldi S.
Especialista microscopia electrónica
- Anexo: 2715
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La Unidad de Microscopía Avanzada tiene como misión poner al servicio de la comunidad científica sus instrumentos y la expertise de su equipo técnico para el avance del conocimiento en las diversas áreas de investigación, así como apoyar y fortalecer la formación de investigadores en programas de pregrado y postgrado de las distintas facultades de la Universidad. Además cuenta con un amplio rango de equipos de microscopía óptica y electrónica, y provee servicios de preparación de muestras y análisis de imágenes.
En esta sección es posible encontrar información de publicaciones relacionadas con nuestros servicios. En una primera sección se puede acceder a Publicaciones que han contado con el apoyo de nuestro equipamiento y personal. Una segunda seccion cuenta con publicaciones relacionadas con técnicas y métodos de preparación de muestras, además de otros documentos relacionados con investigaciones que se pueden realizar utilizando nuestros servicios.
Año | Equipo | Autores | Título | Revista | Aplicación / Metodología | Link | |
2018 | TECNAI+TIMELAPSE | Marina Bartsakoulia, Angela Pyle, Diego Troncoso-Chandía, Josefa Vial-Brizzi, Marysol V Paz-Fiblas, Jennifer Duff, Helen… | A novel mechanism causing imbalance of mitochondrial fusion and fission in human myopathies, | Human Molecular Genetics, Volume 27, Issue 7, 1 April 2018, Pages 1186–1195. | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, confocal, mutation, mitochondria, fibroblasts, dna mitochondrial,immunoblotting, skeletal muscles, myopathy, biopsy of muscle, respiratory chain |
2012 | FV1000 | Riquelme E., Abarca J., Campusano JM. y Bustos G.… | A NR2B-dependent decrease in the expression of trkB receptors precedes the disappearance of dopaminergic cells in substantia nigra in a rat model of presymptomatic Parkinson’s disease. | Parkinson’s Disease. 2012;2012:129605. | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Parkinson disease, Dopaminergic, presymptomatic, immunohistochemical, tyrosine hydroxylase |
2008 | FV1000 | Lee J, Retamal C., Cuitiño L, Caruano-Yzermans A., Shin JE, van Kekrkhof P, Marzolo MP and Bu G.… | Adaptor protein sorting nexin 17 regulates amyloid precursor protein trafficking and processing in the early endosomes. | Journal of Biological Chemistry Apr 25;283(17):11501-8 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, colocalizacion, Immunofluorescence, Alzheimer disease, amyloid precursor protein, neurodegeneration, nexin, adaptor protein |
2019 | ESPECTRAL | Contreras O., Rossi F. M., Brandan E.… | Adherent muscle connective tissue fibroblasts are phenotypically and biochemically equivalent to stromal fibro/adipogenic progenitors. | Matrix Biology Plus Volume 2, May 2019, 100006 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, immunofluorescence, Skeletal muscle, PDGFRα, FAPs, Fibrosis, Mesenchymal progenitors,TGF-β signaling |
2020 | TIMELAPSE | Stuardo N, Moya-Alvarado G, Ramírez C, Schiavo G, Bronfman F (2020)… | An Improved Protocol to Purify and Directly Mono-Biotinylate Recombinant BDNF in a Tube for Cellular Trafficking Studies in Neurons. J Vis Exp. | JoVE Journal Neuroscience | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, neuroscience, video Protocol, Cellular Trafficking, neurons, |
2015 | SPINNING DISK | Pasten C, Cerda J, Jausoro I, Court FA, Cáceres A, Marzolo MP… | ApoER2 and Reelin are expressed in regenerating peripheral nerve and regulate Schwann cell migration by activating the Rac1 GEF protein, Tiam1 | Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 16;69:1-11 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, FRET, ApoER2, Reelin, Proteolytic processing, Sciatic nerve, Schwann cells, Migration, Rho GTPases, PAR3, Tiam1 |
2018 | Bignante EA, et al.… | APP/Go protein Gβγ-complex signaling mediates Aβ degeneration and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease models | Neurobiology of Aging 64, 44-57 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, neurosciencie, Alzheimer, Amyloid β (Aβ), Amyloid precursor protein (APP), Go protein, Gβγ complex, Degeneration, 3xTg-AD mice | |
2018 | SPINNING DISK/TIMELAPSE | Hernández, D.E., Salvadores, N.A., Moya-Alvarado, G., Catalán, R.J., Bronfman, F.C., Court, F.A.… | Axonal degeneration induced by glutamate excitotoxicity is mediated by necroptosis | Journal of Cell Science 2018 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, time-lapse, calcium imaging, Neurodegeneration, Axonal degeneration, Excitotoxicity, Necroptosis |
2018 | TIMELAPSE | Moya-Alvarado, G., Gonzalez, A., Stuardo., N., Bronfman, F.C.… | Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Regulates Rab5-Positive Early Endosomes in Hippocampal Neurons to Induce Dendritic Branching | Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12:493 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, time-lapse, colocalization, Neurotrophins, BDNF, TrkB, Rab5, Rab11, endosomes, dendritic branching, neuron |
2019 | TIMELAPSE | Gutierrez DA, Vargas LM, Chandía-Cristi A, Dela Fuente C, Alvarez AR… | c-Abl defficient mice provides synaptic resiliency against Ab-oligomers | Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2019, 13:526 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, immunofluorescence,Alzheimer’s disease, c-Abl tyrosine kinase, synapse, Aβ-oligomers, dendritic spines |
2019 | TECNAI+TIMELAPSE | Escudero, C.A., Cabeza, C., Moya-Alvarado, G., Maloney, M.T., Flores, C.M., Chengbiao, W., Court, F.C., Mobley, W., Bron… | c-Jun N-terminal kinase is required for p75 neurotrophin receptor internalization toward apoptotic signaling endosomes in axons of sympathetic neurons | Scientific Reports 2019 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, confocal, immunofluorescence, endocytic sorting, neuronal death, JNK, p75 signaling |
2019 | ESPECTRAL | Osvaldo Contreras, Meilyn Cruz-Soca, Marine Theret, Hesham Soliman, Lin Wei Tung, Elena Groppa, Fabio M. Rossi, Enrique … | Cross-talk between TGF-β and PDGFRα signaling pathways regulates the fate of stromal fibro-adipogenic progenitors. | Journal of Cell Science 132, 232157 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, immunofluorescence, Regeneration, Fibrosis, Myofibroblast, Mesenchymal progenitors, Fibroblast, Skeletal muscle |
2020 | FV1000 | Yarur HE, González MP, Verbel-Vergara D, Andrés ME, Gysling K.… | Crosstalk between dopamine D1 and corticotropin releasing factor type 2 receptors leads to occlusion of their ERK1/2 signaling. | Journal of Neurochemistry 2020 Mar 25 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, dopamine D1 receptor, ERK signaling, heteromerization, synaptosomes, type‐2α CRF receptor |
2019 | ESPECTRAL | Contreras O., Vio C.P., Murphy-Ullrich J.E., Lipson K.E., Brandan E.… | Denervation-induced skeletal muscle fibrosis is mediated by CTGF/CCN2 independently of TGF-β. | Matrix Biology 2019 Sep;82:20-37 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, colocalization Denervation, Fibrosis, CTGF/CCN2, Skeletal muscle, FG-3019 |
2020 | TIRF | Paola Soto, Pablo S. Gaete, Christian Fuentes, Benjamin Lozano, Pamela A. Naulin, Xavier F. Figueroa and Nelson Patricio… | Function of P2X4 Receptors Is Directly Modulated by a 1:1 Stoichiometric Interaction With 5-HT3A Receptors | Frontiers in cellular Neuroscience | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, TIRF, AFM, receptor-receptor interaction, atomic force microscopy, stoichiometry, P2X4 receptor, 5-HT3A receptor, intracellular Ca2+, ATP |
2020 | FV1000 | Yarur HE, Vega-Quiroga I, González MP, Noches V, Thomases DR, Andrés ME, Ciruela F, Tseng KY,… | Inhibitory Control of Basolateral Amygdalar Transmission to the Prefrontal Cortex by Local Corticotrophin Type 2 Receptor | International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 2019 Dec 4 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Immunofluorescence, colocalization, Prefrontal Cortex, Corticotrophin receptor, amygdalar projections |
2012 | FV1000 | Yévenes LF, Klein A, Castro JF, Marín T, Leal N, Leighton F, Alvarez AR, Zanlungo S… | Lysosomal vitamin E accumulation in Niemann-Pick type C disease. | Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1822:150-160 (16) | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, colocalization, Vitamin E, Niemann–Pick C, Cholesterol, Lysosomes |
2015 | ESPECTRAL | Silva B, Molina-Fernández C, Ugalde MB, Tognarelli EI, Angel C and Campusano JM.… | Muscarinic ACh receptors contribute to aversive olfactory learning in Drosophila. | Neural Plasticity 2015;2015:658918 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Memory Consolidation, Olfactory Learning, Drosophila, muscarinic ACh receptors |
2018 | TECNAI | Andrea Del Campo, Ignacio Contreras-Hernández, Mauricio Castro-Sepúlveda, Cristian A Campos, Reinaldo Figueroa, María Fl… | Muscle Function Decline and Mitochondria Changes in Middle Age Precede Sarcopenia in Mice | Aging, 10 (1), 34-55 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, skeletal muscle fibers, sarcopenia, mitochondrial dynamics, SR-mitochondria coupling |
2018 | SPINNING DISK | Juan M Zolezzi 1 2, Carolina B Lindsay 1, Felipe G Serrano 1, Roxana C Ureta 1, Cristina Theoduloz 3, Guillermo Schmeda-… | Neuroprotective Effects of Ferruginol, Jatrophone, and Junicedric Acid Against Amyloid-β Injury in Hippocampal Neurons | Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 63, 705-723 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, cell imaging, Amyloid-β, diterpenes, ferruginol, jatrophone, junicedric acid, neuroprotection |
2018 | TECNAI | Pedro Cisternas 1, Juan M Zolezzi 1, Carolina Lindsay 1, Daniela S Rivera 1 2, Alexis Martinez 1, Francisco Bozinovic 2 … | New Insights into the Spontaneous Human Alzheimer’s Disease-Like Model Octodon degus: Unraveling Amyloid-β Peptide Aggregation and Age-Related Amyloid Pathology | Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 66, 1145-1163 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, TEM, electronica, Alzheimer’s disease, Aβ peptide, natural model, Octodon degus, senile plaques |
2020 | ESPECTRAL | Sebastián Moreno, Javier Canales, Lilan Hong, Dana Robinson, Adrienne H.K. Roeder, Rodrigo A. Gutierrez… | Nitrate Defines Shoot Size through Compensatory Roles for Endoreplication and Cell Division in Arabidopsis thaliana | Current Biology VOLUME 30, ISSUE 11, P1988-2000.E3, JUNE 08, 2020 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, cell expansion, endoreplication, ploidy, cell proliferation, organ size |
2011 | TECNAI | Levtchenko E, De Leo MG Vicinanza M, Antonella Di Campli , Polishchuk E, Santoro M, Di Tullio G, Godi A, , Polishchuk R,… | OCRL controls trafficking through early endosomes via PtdIns4,5P2-dependent regulation of endosomal actin. | The EMBO Journal 30(24):4970-4985 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, early endosomes, endosomal actin, trafficking, Lowe syndrome |
2014 | SPINNING DISK | Leyton V., Goles, N.I., Fuenzalida-Uribe, N. y Campusano JM.… | Octopamine and Dopamine differentially modulate the nicotine-induced calcium response in Drosophila Mushroom Body Kenyon cells. | Neuroscience Letters 560: 16-20, 2014. | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Dopamine, Octopamine, Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, Drosophila, Calcium |
2014 | TECNAI | Escudero C, Lazo O, Galleguillos C, Parraguez J, Lopez-Verrilli M, Cabeza C, Leon L, Saeed U, Retamal C, Gonzalez A, Mar… | p75 neurotrophin receptor evades the endolysosomal route, favouring multivesicular bodies specialised for exosomal release in neuronal cells. | Journal of Cell Science. 2014 Feb 25 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, MVBs,Traffic, Endocytosis, Neurotrophins, p75 |
2019 | TECNAI | Pedro Cisternas 1, Carolina A Oliva 1, Viviana I Torres 1, Daniela P Barrera 1, Nibaldo C Inestrosa… | Presymptomatic Treatment With Andrographolide Improves Brain Metabolic Markers and Cognitive Behavior in a Model of Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease | Frontiers in Neurocience 13 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, andrographolide, Wnt signaling, glucose metabolism, Alzheimer’s disease, neuroprotection |
2019 | TIRF | Ibañez-Vega, J., Del Valle Batalla, F., Saez, J. J., Soza, A., & Yuseff, M.… | Proteasome Dependent Actin Remodeling Facilitates Antigen Extraction at the Immune Synapse of B Cells. | Frontiers in Immunology, 10(B cell Biology), 1–13 | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, TIRF, B cells, immune synapse, cell polarity lysosomes proteasome, cytoskeleton remodeling, Arp2, MG-132, epoxomicin |
2019 | TECNAI | Carreras-Sureda A, et al.… | Publisher Correction: Non-canonical function of IRE1α determines mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum composition to control calcium transfer and bioenergetics | Nature Cell Biology 21, 913 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, Mitochondria-associated membranes, bioenergetics, calcium transfer, endoplasmic reticulum |
2020 | TECNAI | Mauricio Castro-Sepulveda, Sebastian Jannas-Vela, Rodrigo Fernández-Verdejo, Daniela Ávalos-Allele, German Tapia, Claudi… | Relative lipid oxidation associates directly with mitochondrial fusion phenotype and mitochondria-sarcoplasmic reticulum interactions in human skeletal muscle | American Journal of Physiology | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, fat oxidation, lipid droplet, mitochondria dynamic, organelles dynamic, respiratory quotient |
2019 | TIRF-EPI | Valle-Tenney, Roger, et al.… | Role of hypoxia in skeletal muscle fibrosis: Synergism between hypoxia and TGF-β signaling upregulates CCN2/CTGF expression specifically in muscle fibers | Matrix Biology (2019). | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, TIRF, hypoxia, keletal muscle, fibrosis, TGF-β signaling |
2019 | TIMELAPSE | Constanza Gonzalez, Pablo Guzman, Carlos Oliva, JC, et all.… | Slit neuronal secretion coordinates optic lobe morphogenesis in Drosophila | Developmental Biology | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Drosophila, morphogenesis, Slit protein, Medulla neurons, visual system |
2020 | ESPECTRAL | Contreras, O., Soliman, H., Theret, M., Rossi, F. M., & Brandan, E.… | TGF-β-driven downregulation of the transcription factor TCF7L2 affects Wnt/β-catenin signaling in PDGFRα+ fibroblasts | Journal of Cell Science | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Myofibroblasts, Stem cells, Regeneration, MSCs, PDGFRα, Myoblasts |
2019 | TECNAI | Berkowitz, L., Pardo-Roa, C., Ramírez, G., Vallejos, O. P., Sebastián, V. P., Riedel, C. A., … & Bueno, S. M.… | The absence of interleukin 10 affects the morphology, differentiation, granule content and the production of cryptidin-4 in Paneth cells in mice. | PloS one, 14(9), e0221618. | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, interleukin, morphology, differentiation, Paneth cells, secretory granules |
2019 | FV1000 | Hector E. Yarur, Maria Estela Andrés and Katia Gysling… | Type 2β Corticotrophin Releasing Factor Receptor Forms a Heteromeric Complex With Dopamine D1 Receptor in Living Cells | Frontiers in Pharmacology 2020 Jan 8;10:1501. | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, Immunofluorescence, D1R (dopamine D1 receptor), heteromer, GPCR (G protein-coupled receptors, A7r5 cells, CRF2β |
2019 | TECNAI+ESPECTRAL | Ramos-Fernández E, et al.… | Wnt-7a Stimulates Dendritic Spine Morphogenesis and PSD-95 Expression Through Canonical Signaling | Molecular Neurobiology 56, 1870-1882 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, confocal, transfection, Wnt signaling, Dendritic spine plasticity, PSD-95, TCF/LEF |
2019 | TECNAI | Cisternas P, et al.… | Wnt-induced activation of glucose metabolism mediates the in vivo neuroprotective roles of Wnt signaling in Alzheimer disease | Journal of Neurochemistry 149, 54-72 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, confocal, Alzheimer disease, glucose metabolism, neuroprotection, Wnt signaling |
2018 | TECNAI | Ríos JA, Godoy JA, Inestrosa NC… | Wnt3a ligand facilitates autophagy in hippocampal neurons by modulating a novel GSK-3β-AMPK axis | Cell Communication and Signaling 16 | Aplicación | Link | TEM, microscopia, electronica, Neuron, Wnt signaling, AMPK, Autophagy, Metabolism |
2019 | ESPECTRAL/FV1000 | Sebastian B. Arredondo Fernanda G. Guerrero Andrea Herrera‐Soto Joaquin Jensen‐Flores Daniel B. Bustamante Alejandro Oña… | Wnt5a promotes differentiation and development of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus by noncanonical Wnt signaling | Stem Cells Journal | Aplicación | Link | microscopia, confocal, neuroscience, wnt5a, differentiation, development, wnt signaling, hippocampus |