- Jorge Cantero
Encargado servicio espectrometría de masas
- Teléfono: 223549243
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- Gioconda Peralta
Encargada servicio de secuenciación capilar
- Teléfono: 223549243
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La Unidad de Secuenciación y Tecnologías Ómicas, reúne los servicios de secuenciación capilar, secuenciación NGS y espectrometría de masas; para cada uno de los servicios se puede analizar la factibilidad de realizar la preparación de muestra y secuenciación o análisis que el usuario necesite.
El servicio de Secuenciación Capilar cuenta con dos secuenciadores Applied Biosystem, 3130XL y 3500XL. Se realiza secuenciación de ADN y genotipado, además del servicio de desarrollo de microsatélites.
La Secuenciación NGS posee un secuenciador Ion Torrent S5, Ion Chef para la preparación automatizada de genotecas de secuenciación en Ion Torrent, secuenciador Illumina MiSeq, acceso a un secuenciador Illumina NextSeq y HiScan para análisis de microarrays. Se realiza la preparación de genotecas de ADN, ARN, amplicones, metagenómica y secuenciación en los equipos antes mencionados.
El servicio de Espectrometría de masas cuenta con un espectrómetro Compact QTOF MS + Elute UHPLC y acceso a un espectrómetro Exactive Plus EMR de tipo Orbitrap, con estos equipos se hacen análisis de proteómica, metabolómica, proteína nativa y lipidómica.
En esta sección es posible encontrar información de publicaciones relacionadas con nuestros servicios. En una primera sección se puede acceder a Publicaciones que han contado con el apoyo de nuestro equipamiento y personal. Una segunda seccion cuenta con publicaciones relacionadas con técnicas y métodos de preparación de muestras, además de otros documentos relacionados con investigaciones que se pueden realizar utilizando nuestros servicios.
Año | Equipo | Autores | Título | Revista | Aplicación / Metodología | Link | |
2011 | Secuenciador genético ABI 310 | Verónica Quirici, Sylvain Faugeron, Loren D. Hayes & Luis A. Ebensperger… | Absence of kin structure in a population of group-living rodent Octodon degus | Behavioral Ecology | APLICACIÓN | Link | offspring associations, relatedness, social groups, spatial genetic autocorrelation analysis. |
2011 | Secuenciador genético ABI 310 | Mariela C. Núñez-Ávila, Marría Uriarte, Pablo A. Marquet & Juan J. Armesto… | Microsatellite markers for the relict tree Aextoxicon punctatum: The only species in the Chilean Endemic Family Aextoxicaceae | American Journal of Botany | APLICACIÓN | Link | avian seed dispersal, Chilean temperate rainforests, dioecious tree, historical geographic range fragmentation. |
2013 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3130XL | Paulina G. Ossa, Fernanda Pérez & Juan J. Armesto… | Phylogeography of two closely related species of Nolana from the coastal Atacama Desert of Chile: post-glacial population expansions in response to climate fluctuations | Journal of Biogeography | APLICACIÓN | Link | Coastal Atacama Desert, cpDNA, Nolana, perennial shrub, plant phylogeography |
2016 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3130XL | Loreto A. Correa, Cecilia León, Juan Ramírez-Estrada, Mauricio Soto-Gamboa, Roger D. Sepúlveda & Luis A. Ebensperger… | Masculinized females produce heavier offspring in a group living rodent | Journal of Animal Ecology | APLICACIÓN | Link | female alternative morphotype, female masculinization, maternal effects, reproductive traits, social context |
2017 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3130XL | Ramiro O. Bustamante, América P. Durán, Francisco T. Peña-Gómez & David Véliz… | Genetic and phenotypic variation, dispersal limitation and reproductive success in the invasive herb Eschscholzia californica along an elevation gradient in central Chile | Plant Ecology & Diversity | APLICACIÓN | Link | Andean mountains, central Chile, elevation gradient, genetic diversity, plasticity |
2018 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3130XL | Loreto A. Correa, Cecilia León, Juan Ramírez-Estrada, Álvaro Ly-Prieto, Sebastián Abades, Loren D. Hayes, Mauricio Soto-… | Highly masculinized and younger males attain higher reproductive success in a social rodent | Behavioral Ecology | APLICACIÓN | Link | anogenital distance, highly masculinized males, male morphotype, reproductive success, slightly masculinized males |
2018 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Ingrid. E. Alvial, Hebert A. Vargas, María Marinov, Carlos Esquivel, J. Araya, Raúl Araya-Donoso, Irma Vila & David Véli… | Isolation on a remote island: genetic and morphological differentiation of a cosmopolitan odonate | Heredity | APLICACIÓN | Link | geographical isolation, population structure, odonate, genetic diversity, insular sites |
2018 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Ronald Huarachi-Olivera, Alex Dueñas-Gonza , Ursulo Yapo-Pari , Patricia Vega, Margiht Romero-Ugarte, Juan Tapia, Luis M… | Bioelectrogenesis with microbial fuel cells (MFCs) using the microalga Chlorella vulgaris and bacterial communities | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology | APLICACIÓN | Link | Biodepuration, Bioelectrocharacterization, Biofilm, Chamber, Chlorophyll |
2018 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Erika Meerhoff, Beatriz Yannicelli, Boris Dewitte, Ernesto Díaz-Cabrera, Caren Vega-Retter, Marcel Ramos, Luis Bravo, Em… | Asymmetric connectivity of the lobster Panulirus pascuensis in remote islands of the southern Pacific: importance for its management and conservation | Bulletin of Marine Science | APLICACIÓN | Link | marine connectivity, lobster, conservation, public policies, Eastern Island |
2018 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Jaime Solano, Leonardo Anabalón, Sylvia Figueroa, Cristian Lizama, Luis Chávez Reyes & David Gangitano… | Psychedelic fungus (Psilocybe sp.) authentication in a case of illegal drug traffic: Sporological, molecular analysis and identification of the psychoactive substance | Science & Justice | APLICACIÓN | Link | Forensic plant science, psychedelic fungus, Psilocybe, high resolution melting analysis |
2019 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Juan Castro-Severyn, Coral Pardo-Esté, Yoelvis Sulbaran, Carolina Cabezas, Valentina Gariazzo, Alan Briones, Naiyulin Mo… | Arsenic response of three altiplanic Exiguobacterium strains with different tolerance levels against the metalloid species : a proteomics study | Frontiers in Microbiology | APLICACIÓN | Link | Exiguobacterium, arsenic, tolerance, proteomic, polyextremophile |
2019 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Paulo S. Zepeda, Enrique Rodríguez-Serrano, Fernando Torres-Pérez, Juan L. Celis-Diez & R. Eduardo Palma… | Genetic variability and structure of the Olive Field Mouse: a sigmodontine rodent in a biodiversity hotspot of southern Chile | PeerJ | APLICACIÓN | Link | Abrothrix olivacea, Temperate rainforest, Microsatellites, Genetic structure, Genetic variability |
2020 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Nallatt Ocarez, Nicolás Jiménez, Reynaldo Núñez, Rocco Perniola, Antonio Domenico Marsico, Maria Francesca Cardone, Carl… | Unraveling the Deep Genetic Architecture for Seedlessness in Grapevine and the Development and Validation of a New Set of Markers for VviAGL11-Based Gene-Assisted Selection | Genes | APLICACIÓN | Link | seedlessness, stenospermocarpy, QTLs, SNPs, SSRs |
2020 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | David Veliz, Noemi Rojas-Hernández, Sylvia V. Copaja & Caren Vega-Retter… | Temporal changes in gene expression and genotype frequency of the ornithine decarboxylase gene in native silverside Basilichthys microlepidotus: Impact of wastewater reduction due to implementation of public policies | Evolutionary Applications | APLICACIÓN | Link | freshwater, Maipo River Basin, ornithine decarboxylase, public policies, silverside |
2020 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Juan Castro-Severyn, Coral Pardo-Esté, Katterinne N. Mendez, Naiyulin Morales, Sebastián L. Marquez, Franck Molina, Fran… | Genomic Variation and Arsenic Tolerance Emerged as Niche Specific Adaptations by Different Exiguobacterium Strains Isolated From the Extreme Salar de Huasco Environment in Chilean – Altiplano | Frontiers in Microbiology | APLICACIÓN | Link | Exiguobacterium genus, genomics, arsenic, niche, poly-extremophilic |
2020 | Secuenciador genético ABI 3500XL | Evelyn Valencia, Erika Meerhoff, Ernesto Díaz-Cabrera, Felipe Guerrero, Noemi Roja-Hernández, Caren Vega-Retter & David … | Weak connectivity and population cohesiveness in rudderfish Kyphosus sandwicensis (Teleostei: Kyphosidae) inhabiting remote oceanic islands | Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems | APLICACIÓN | Link | marine protected areas, population connectivity, Rapa Nui ecoregion, reef-associated fish |
1975 | Frederick Sanger & Alan R. Coulson… | A Rapid Method for Determining Sequences in DNA by Primed Synthesis with DNA Polymerase | Journal of Molecular Biology | METODOLOGÍA | Link | DNA sequencing, chain terminations reactions, dideoxynucleoside, technique | |
1977 | Frederick Sanger, S. Nicklen & Alan R. Coulson… | DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA | METODOLOGÍA | Link | sequences, oligonucleotide, DNA polymerase, technique | |
1985 | William J. Martin, John R. Warmington, Bohdan R. Galinski, Michael Gallagher, R. Wayne Davies, Maurice S. Beck & Stephen… | Automation of DNA Sequencing: A system to perform the Sanger dideoxysequencing reactions | Nature Biotechnology | METODOLOGÍA | Link | DNA sequencing, Sanger, chain terminations reactions | |
1986 | Lloyd M. Smith, Jane Z. Sanders, Robert J. Kaiser, Peter Hughes, Chris Dodd, Charles R. Connell, Cheryl Heiner, Stephen … | Fluorescence detection in automated DNA sequence analysis | Nature | METODOLOGÍA | Link | DNA sequencing, automation, fluorescence detection, | |
1988 | Juergen Zimmermann, Hartmut Voss, Christian Schwager, Joseph Stegemann & Wilhelm Ansorge… | Automated Sanger dideoxy sequencing reaction protocol | Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. (Biomedical Division) | METODOLOGÍA | Link | DNA sequencing, Dideoxy reaction, Automated sequencing | |
1997 | Barnett. B. Rosenblum, Linda G. Lee, Sandra L. Spurgeon, Shaheer H. Khan, Steven M. Menchen, Cheryl R. Heiner & Shyi-Min… | New dye-labeled terminators for improved DNA sequencing patterns | Nucleic Acids Research | METODOLOGÍA | Link | DNA sequencing, dye-labeled terminators, dideoxynucleoside | |
2005 | Robert J. Meagher, Jong-In Won, Laurette C. McCormick, Sorin Nedelcu, Martin M. Bertrand, Jordan L. Bertram, Guy Drouin,… | End-labeled free-solution electrophoresis of DNA | Electrophoresis | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Bioconjugates, Capillary electrophoresis, DNA-polymer conjugates, DNA sequencing, Drag-tags | |
2007 | Bantscheff, M., Schirle, M., Sweetman, G., Rick, J., & Kuster, B.… | Quantitative mass spectrometry in proteomics: a critical review | Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry | METODOLOGÍA | Link | proteomics | |
2006 | Haag, Anthony M.… | Mass Analyzers and Mass Spectrometers | Modern Proteomics – Sample Preparation, Analysis and Practical Applications | METODOLOGÍA | Link | mass spectrometry | |
2008 | Heck, Albert J R.… | Native mass spectrometry: a bridge between interactomics and structural biology | Nature Methods | METODOLOGÍA | Link | native mass spectrometry | |
2014 | Konermann, L, S Vahidi, and M A Sowole… | Mass Spectrometry Methods for Studying Structure and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules | Analytical Chemistry | METODOLOGÍA | Link | mass spectrometry, biomolecules | |
2016 | Leney, A. C., & Heck, A. J. R.… | Native Mass Spectrometry: What is in the Name? | Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry | METODOLOGÍA | Link | native mass spectrometry | |
2017 | Liu, X., & Locasale, J. W.… | Metabolomics: A Primer | Trends in Biochemical Sciences | METODOLOGÍA | Link | metabolomics | |
2016 | Lössl, P., Waterbeemd, M., & Heck, A. J.… | The diverse and expanding role of mass spectrometry in structural and molecular biology | The EMBO Journal | METODOLOGÍA | Link | mass spectrometry | |
2016 | Savaryn, J. P., Toby, T. K., & Kelleher, N. L.… | A researcher’s guide to mass spectrometry-based proteomics | Proteomics | METODOLOGÍA | Link | proteomics | |
2014 | Smith, R., Mathis, A. D., Ventura, D., & Prince, J. T.… | Proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics: A mass spectrometry tutorial from a computer scientist’s point of view | BMC Bioinformatics | METODOLOGÍA | Link | proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics | |
2004 | Steen, H., & Mann, M.… | The ABC’s (and XYZ’s) of peptide sequencing | Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | METODOLOGÍA | Link | proteomics, peptide | |
2013 | Zhang, Y., Fonslow, B. R., Shan, B., Baek, M. C., & Yates, J. R.… | Protein analysis by shotgun/bottom-up proteomics | Chemical Reviews | METODOLOGÍA | Link | proteomics, peptide | |
2016 | Cajka, T., & Fiehn, O.… | Toward Merging Untargeted and Targeted Methods in Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics and Lipidomics | Analytical Chemistry | METODOLOGÍA | Link | metabolomics, lipidomics | |
2016 | W. Gu, E. D. Crawford, B. D. O’Donovan, M. R. Wilson, E. D. Chow, H. Retallack and J. L. DeRisi… | Depletion of Abundant Sequences by Hybridization (DASH): using Cas9 to remove unwanted high-abundance species in sequencing libraries and molecular counting applications | Genome Biology | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Cas9, CRISPR, Depletion, Sequencing, RNA-Seq, Infectious Disease, Cancecr, Diagnostics | |
2011 | J. Gregory Caporaso, Christian L. Lauber, William A. Walters, Donna Berg-Lyons, Catherine A. Lozupone, Peter J. Turnbaug… | Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample | PNAS | METODOLOGÍA | Link | human microbiome, microbial community analysis, microbial ecology, next-generation sequencing, 16S | |
2012 | J Gregory Caporaso, Christian L Lauber, William A Walters, Donna Berg-Lyons, James Huntley, Noah Fierer, Sarah M Owens, … | Ultra-high-throughput microbial community analysis on the Illumina HiSeq and MiSeq platforms | The ISME Journal | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Illumina; barcoded sequencing; QIIME | |
2018 | Gustavo Rodríguez-Alonso, Svetlana Shishkova… | ESTUDIO DEL TRANSCRIPTOMA MEDIANTE RNA-SEQ CON ÉNFASIS EN LAS ESPECIES VEGETALES NO MODELO* | Revista de Educación Bioquímica | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Transcriptoma, RNA-seq, Organismos no modelo, Illumina, Secuenciación masiva. | |
2013 | Iraad F. Bronner, Michael A. Quail, Daniel J. Turner, and Harold Swerdlow… | Improved Protocols for Illumina Sequencing | Europe PMC Author Manuscripts | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Illumina, Next-Generation, Sequencer, Protocols | |
2017 | Olga E. Petrova, FernandoGarcia-Alcalde, Claudia Zampaloni & Karin Sauer… | Comparative evaluation of rRNA depletion procedures for the improved analysis of bacterial biofilm and mixed pathogen culture transcriptomes | Scientific Reports | METODOLOGÍA | Link | rRNA, depletion, sequencing | |
2015 | Dustin R. Masser, David R. Stanford, Willard M. Freeman… | Targeted DNA Methylation Analysis by Next-generation Sequencing | Journal of Visualized Experiments | METODOLOGÍA | Link | Molecular Biology, Issue 96, Epigenetics, DNA methylation, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, gene expression, cytosine, CpG, gene expression regulation | |
2016 | Unai López de Heredia… | Las técnicas de secuenciación masiva en el estudio de la diversidad biológica. | Munibe Ciencias Naturales | METODOLOGÍA | Link | genoma, RAD-seq, RNA-seq, secuenciación masiva, SNP, transcriptoma. | |
2016 | Elena Marmesat, Laura Soriano, Camila J. Mazzoni, Simone Sommer, José A. Godoy… | PCR Strategies for Complete Allele Calling in Multigene Families Using High-Throughput Sequencing Approaches | METODOLOGÍA | Link | genomics, alleles, PCR, NGS |