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septiembre 17, 2013


Notable prizes awarded to the School of Biological Sciences

National Science Award

The Chilean National Science Award was created in 1969 by Law No. 16,746 by CONICYT. It is awarded to a Chilean scientist or team of Chilean scientists whose work in the field of pure or applied sciences is deemed of such a distinction (Article 2 of the Law).
It was given annually until it was amended by the 1972 Law No. 17,595 changing its awarding to every two years. In 1992 it was replaced by the national awards for Exact Sciences, Natural Sciences and Applied Science and Technology by Law No. 19,169.

To date the “honor roll” of our faculty members who have received National Science Awards are:

  • Luco Valenzuela Joaquín 1975
  • Croxatto Rezzio Héctor 1979
  • Vargas Fernández Luis 1985
  • Valenzuela Valdés Pablo 2002 (Premio Nac. de Cs Aplicadas y Tecnológicas)
  • Inestrosa Cantin Nibaldo 2008 (Premio Nacional de Ciencias Naturales)
  • Castilla Zenobi Juan Carlos 2010 (Premio Nac. de Cs Aplicadas y Tecnológicas)
  • Santelices González Bernabé 2012 (Premio Nacional de Ciencias Naturales)

Presidential Chair in Sciences

The Presidential Chair in Science Award is intended to directly support the work of Chilean or foreign researchers with at least three active years of residence in Chile with an outstanding career especially in natural and exact sciences. An outstanding career means having maintained a significant scientific productivity both in number and quality as recognized by the international scientific community.
This award is determined by the Presidential Commission on Scientific Matters pursuant to the verdict of an international jury.
To date the academics from our School who have received Presidential Chairs:

  • Huidobro-Toro Juan Pablo 1996
  • Inestrosa Cantin Nibaldo 1996 y 1999
  • Jaksic Andrade Fabián 1996
  • Bronfman Aguiló Miguel 1997
  • Brandan Siques Enrique 1997
  • Castilla Zenobi Juan Carlos 1997
  • González de la Rosa Alfonso 1997
  • Croxatto Avoni Horacio 1999


The Honorary Doctorate Degree is awarded in recognition of national and foreign individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the progress of the country or the University. In the latter case, the academic degree of Honorary Doctorate or Doctor Honoris Causa is also granted to those distinguished individuals who have nationality or residence abroad.
To date one academic and one foreigner have received it.

Luco Valenzuela Joaquín 1955
Sanguini Armando 1988 (D.R. 215/88)


The Degree of Doctor Scientiae et Honoris Causa is given to those who have received public recognition for their outstanding contributions to the country in the areas of knowledge or culture. This distinction is given to those who have received worldwide recognition for their contribution to the cultural heritage of humanity.
3 academics from our Schoool and one from the University of Chile (Cori) have received the degree Doctor Honoris Causa Scientiae et to date:

  • Croxatto Rezzio Héctor 1983
  • Cori Moully Osvaldo 1986 (D.R. 130/86)
  • Vargas Fernández Luis 1988
  • Vial Correa Juan de Dios 2002
  • Castilla Zenobi Juan Carlos 2016


The honorary academic degree of Professor Emeritus is awarded to retired University academics that have been known for their teaching or research for a period of not less than 20 years. In some exceptions this period may be 15 years in those cases where the academic possesses other outstanding academic merits.
Similarly, the Academic Degree of Honorary Professor Emeritus is awarded to academics who do not withdraw, but fulfill 65 years of age or have 30 years of academic work, and who have excelled in their teaching or research.
Scholars in our School to date that have received the Degree of Professor Emeritus:

  • García Huidobro Fernando 1973
  • Luco Valenzuela Joaquín 1981
  • Vial Correa Juan de Dios 2005
  • Albertini Bortolameolli Renato 2007
  • Santelices González Bernabé 2015


The Honorary Degree of Honorary Member of the School may be given to those academics who withdraw from the university having served for a period of not less than 20 years in recognition and gratitude for the work performed.
This degree is also given to individuals who have not served at the University but who deserve recognition and gratitude for their work in a certain sector of pure or applied knowledge.
So far it has been given only to foreign academics and none from our School

  • Looser Fchallemberg Gualterio 1979 (D.R. 173/79)
  • Zanchetti Alberto 1981 (D.R. 27/81)
  • Faranda Francesco Maria 2004 (D.R. 251/04)


Award Created in 1999
Abate Molina Award for Biology Teaching is a recognition awarded by the School of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile to middle school teachers who are distinguished by their exemplary dedication to the teaching of biology and/or for obtaining outstanding achievements with regards to innovation and the quality in their educational methods.

In material terms, the winning teacher receives a diploma plus a sum of money provided by AES Gener SA, and the educational establishment where the teacher works receives a monetary contribution for educational equipment.
It should be noted that besides the material benefits that these awards convey, its main value is the public and national recognition for people with vocation, dedication and exemplary results in the important area of ? science education. The award ceremony is held in public at the Hall of Honor at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and coincides with the Euclid Award for Mathematics Education, awarded by the School of Mathematics at our university.
The Abate Molina Award was instituted in 1999, and is part of a group of teaching awards in scientific disciplines provided by four schools at the Universidad Católica de Chile under the auspices of AES Gener and are sponsored by the Ministry Education, Explora-CONICYT and El Mercurio.
Between 1999 and 2001, the Abate Molina Award was conferred on an annual basis. Since 2002, it has been awarded every two years concurrently with the Euclid Award for Mathematics Education, awarded by the School of Mathematics. During the off years the School of Physics (Michael Faraday Award) and Chemistry (Ignacio Domeyko Award) award prizes for the teaching in their disciplines.
The name of the award is in recognition of the scientific and educational value of the work of Abbot Juan Ignacio Molina (1740-1829), who is considered the first Chilean naturalist for his great contribution to the initial knowledge of an important part of the flora and fauna of our country. Originally from the nearby countryside of Talca, he was a distinguished naturalist in his time. He was very knowledgeable about the work published in Europe on flora and fauna of Hispanic America, and his work, “Saggio sulla Storia Naturale Civile et Chili,” published in Bologna in 1782 has long been the classic work that gave Europeans zoological and botanical
knowledge regarding Chile.
Abbot Molina was also a pioneer in the systematics of Chilean Natural History, both animal and vegetable. This aspect is of important scientific value since he was the first naturalist born in Chile who focused the taxonomy according to the philosophical principles of Carl Linnaeus.
The “Honor Roll” of those who have received the Abate Molina Award for Teaching Biology so far consists of the following teachers:

1999 – Raquel I. Cortés Trujillo. Colegio Alemán, Santiago. “For her exemplary dedication to the teaching of biology in secondary education and her outstanding achievements with regards to innovation and the search for quality in the teaching methods of this discipline.”

2000 – Patricio F. Fisher Clarke. American College, Iquique. “For his dedication to teaching and his contributions to the methodology of teaching biology of the natural resources of the First Region of Chile.”.

2001 – Fernando Ruiz Baeza. Colegio San Ignacio, Santiago. “For his dedication to teaching at the primary and secondary education levels and innovative methodological contributions to the teaching of biology using text video and computers.”

2002 – Luis A. Saldes Irarrázabal. Liceo Municipal C-70, Yumbel. “For his long history of innovative education in the teaching of biology, favoring the application of scientific method in the laboratory over the theoretical exposition, and for his qualities as a teacher and friend, as widely recognized by his students.”

2004 – Mirtha Andaur Venegas. Liceo Nº 2 de Niñas “Matilde Brandau de Ross”, Valparaíso. “For her continued innovation in teaching in the classroom, for engaging students with the use of technological advances for better training and for constant motivation to awaken in her students the scientific spirit and an interest in research through class and field work.”

2006 – Susana Francisca Vera Reichelt. Liceo de Niñas de Concepción. “For being an innovative, creative and persistent educator that has managed to arouse the scientific curiosity, interest in research and the emergence of many vocations for careers in the fields of biology and the impact on the school community through the Centro Estudiantil de Investigación Científica Comunal, that she advises.”

2008 – Náyade Lidia Fuentes Rodríguez. San Fernando College de San Fernando. “For her perseverance and effort in finding an appropriate methodology for good quality teaching of biology despite the limited availability of resources, increasing interest in the biology students and achieving in them the appreciation and recognition of their human qualities.”

2010 – Marjorie Elisa Parra Lepe. Colegio Salesiano de Valparaíso. “For her dedication in acting to formally update her knowledge of biology, teaching and the achievements obtained by her students by teaching based on observation and experimentation, achieving recognition and numerous awards at exhibitions and other national and international events.”



  • García-Huidobro Fernando Abril, 1980
  • Rosas Becker Ramón Septiembre 8, 1991
  • Rodríguez Leiva Manuel Enero 1999
  • Sánchez Reyes Patricio Febrero 1999
  • Luco Valenzuela Joaquín Julio 19, 2002
  • Lewin Campaña Jorge Mayo 30, 2004
  • Barros Rodríguez Claudio Octubre 27,2008
  • Croxatto Rezzio, Héctor Septiembre 28, 2010